Own Your ‘Tall’!

Unless you are the World's Tallest Person, there will always be someone taller or shorter than YOU.

Unless you are the World’s Tallest Person, there will always be someone taller or shorter than YOU.

We’ve all been there – the first day of middle school – and you look around the playground or cafeteria. Your friends, who you’ve just seen, only a few months ago that were your same height, have either grown taller without you, or, vice versa. It’s not even slight; it’s noticeable. You crave being back where you used to be, just so you don’t stand out so much. So, you slouch and shrink, just to fit in.

There’s only one problem. You are where you are, for the time being. You’ve either grown as much as you can, or have more growing to do. There’s not much you can do about it, except own your ‘tall’. Unless you are the World’s Tallest Person, there will always be someone taller or shorter than you.

You were designed to stand out as you are. So, why try to conform on something so arbitrary as height! Own every inch of height you have, and don’t ever let anyone make you feel little. (Or too tall, for that matter!) Own your own version of “tall”; better yet, celebrate it!

One Response to “Own Your ‘Tall’!”

  1. <path_to_url> Katherine G

    Yes. I learned a long time ago to accept me for who I am. It took some work though.