Do you suffer from this?

Just Be Still

Sometimes, our best intentions can be sidelined by our thoughts scrambling for attention. Not every thought that crosses the mind is important at that time.

I catch myself  *so* often thinking this – ‘OK, I gotta get ready to go, but first, I have to make a draft of this promo, and then, I gotta do a blog post…” Next thing I know I see that something else has to be done, and I’m off task. (In the time writing this, I am now supposed to be getting ready to go to an event, but paid a bill, took a sales call, and was still trying to figure out how to finish this blog post.)

I call this “But First…” Disease.

Sometimes, our best intentions can be sidelined by our thoughts scrambling for attention. Not every thought that crosses the mind is important at that time. Making priority lists, and crossing tasks off are great, but the little tiny tasks sneak up on me, and take me off point like a pebble being washed away by a wave.

So, I take a breath, and be still. And just stop. I slow my breathing by taking deep breaths, and just become aware of what’s going on in my head. Not necessarily clear my head, but just take all the thoughts that are scrambling, and create a list of what I need to do RIGHT NOW.  A better visual description is trying to corral kids in the playground after lunch to form straight lines, to go back to class. (Shows you how old I am! 😉 )

Now, I can keep it moving…it’s an ongoing process, but I will become a “But First…” Disease Survivor. But first, I have to finish this blog post!

One day.

One day…one day.

3 Responses to “Do you suffer from this?”

  1. <path_to_url> NiaMassage

    I think when you catch yourself before you totally feel overwhelmed, is when you have the best chance at getting a handle on it.