How often should I get a Massage?

By far and away, the question of how often one should get a massage is the most common one that I get on a daily basis. I think, as so many people have different reasons that one would NEED a massage, the answers are never the same, or easy to answer.

How often you get a massage all depends on YOU, and what you need to get out of the sessions!

How often you get a massage all depends on YOU, and what you need to get out of the sessions!

Here is my best recommendation – it depends on you! If you’re athletic and just trying to maintain good muscle tone, the frequency and type of massage would be different than someone that is completely stressed all the time. If you are sedentary, and sit at your desk all day, your massage regimen would be different than someone that would be in a surgery theater. I am not trying to be vague; if you have a specific treatment that you need to feel better, I’d be able to give you a better idea as to your frequency of sessions, because it would be contoured to your need. 

If you have any questions about massage, let me hear them! I’d love to know what you are wondering about!


2 Responses to “How often should I get a Massage?”

  1. <path_to_url> Courtney

    Sonia, I’m almost embarrassed to say this but, I’ve never had a professional massage. Ever. Crazy, right? Just the thought of one is relaxing. I imagine that I once I do have one done, I’ll be back every month. Lol.

  2. <path_to_url> NiaMassage

    It’s not crazy, at all! Many people haven’t had one, for a variety of reasons. I tend to recommend to people that after they get a massage for the first time, to get a Gift Certificate, so they can get one in the future, and not worry about the cost later on down the road. Thanks for your comment!