Tagged: business

Just Blog It – Best Advice I’d Ever Been Given

I was in my 10th year doing massage, and working for someone else before I decided to go and start my own business. After working for a few months, head down, just grinding, it seemed as if I wasn’t getting too far.

Isn’t it great how life just puts people on your path to let you know whether you’re on the right path? I met Tierra Destiny Reid at a gathering at an Atlanta Capital event, celebrating Women Business Owners. After I peeled myself off the ceiling and finished gushing, we talked for a while that day, and several years afterward. The thing she always told me was that “If you show up, I mean really show up, things will fall into place for you.” Go above and beyond, exceed customers’ expectations, and just do your best. And, for a while, business did well.

After dealing with an illness in our family, I changed my focus, so that I could be there. I literally stopped showing up. Now, that it has been a few months since the passing, I feel as if I’m back to square one.

The best way I know how to cope is watching comedies, or anything that would make me laugh. Bill Cosby was just recently awarded the Johnny Carson Award at the American Comedy Awards, and during his acceptance speech, he reminded me what I’m supposed to be doing to get back on the path. During his acceptance speech, he reminded everyone that you have to SHOW UP, not only for your audience, but for YOURSELF.

I just sat there, and cried. It was a very good and happy cry. The very thing I was already told, was being told to me by someone else. Sometimes, you just need to be reminded. So now, I’m going to get back to what I’m supposed to be doing, and show up, not only for my awesome and patient clients, but for myself.

Just Blog It – Introduce Yourself!

Image Hi! My name is Sonia Hazard, and I am a self-described Positive Attitude Adjuster (otherwise known as a Massage Therapist). I am in my mid forties, and an empty-nester. I’ve been married for about 8 years now, and have my own business. 

My business is NiaMassage, a mobile massage business in the Metro Atlanta Area, that brings stress relief through massage therapy to offices and homes for the past three years. ‘Nia’ in Swahili means ‘Purpose’, and that is what I feel my purpose in life is, to help make other people feel better! I’ve done massages at Launch Parties, Diva Parties, Ambush Massages at work (The only people that knew we were coming was the boss!), as well as appearances at store and community events.Image

Writing blog posts for me are challenging, because I want to entertain and educate. This is an opportunity for me to get in the habit of writing, and have FUN with it! I’m still learning, so bear with me.  😉  See you tomorrow!



Fire in the Belly

During yesterday’s (March 12, 2013) discussion portion of “The View” the panelists were discussing the occupation of The Bachelor, Sean Lowe, who had described himself as an ‘entrepreneur’.

“When you were described as an ‘entrepreneur’, you don’t have an actual ‘job’,” opined Barbara Walters, in relation to his job description. I stood there, shocked. She didn’t clarify, or go too much further on it. I was hoping that she was going to, but she didn’t. The panel just continued to talk about the finale of the series.

I got really ticked, but as I continued to think on it, she’s not the only one that thinks this way about the word ‘entrepreneur’. My own family asked me when I started my business, “When are you going to get a ‘real’ job?” even though they knew my decision, and what I did for a living. I explained numerous times, as well as gave them samples of what I did, so they could understand firsthand. After a few months, I had to come to this conclusion –

They just don’t get it.

In that generation, the goal WAS the job, and a good paycheck. It wasn’t necessary to run the business, but if you worked really hard, and the boss noticed, he’d take you under his wing, mentor you, and in a few decades, you’d run a part of it. They were raised to work for someone else. You had either trained to get a skill, or it was inherent, but punching a clock and getting a check was a goal, not a stepping stone. You were educated to be a good worker, not to run the business.

Then, I had a new thought – She’s right.

Entrepreneurs DON’T have a job. They have a PASSION. Their job isn’t  from 9-5. It consumes them. Entrepreneurs see things differently than everyone else does, and works to try it out. Does it pull down a consistent check? No. It can pull down more, it can also be less. Would an entrepreneur be happy working for someone else? Maybe at first, but the call to work for yourself is always in the background. Is it hard? YES. Is it scary? Can it be tiring? It can be, but damn, it is exhilarating. I can say without a doubt, that I am glad I took the leap, because the alternative was driving me crazy.

The Anatomy of an Entreprenur, Source - heritageandyork.com

The Anatomy of an Entreprenur, Source – heritageandyork.com


So without hesitation I say, “My name is Sonia, and I am an entrepreneur.”