Tagged: cheerleader

Make yourself a priority this New Year!


Take care of yourself this year!

The New Year is HERE, now is a good time to resolve to take better care of yourself! Taking care of yourself is NOT a selfish act, but many times, we tend to feel as if it is. Take time to recharge your batteries, for a dead battery is good for no one.

Exercise is a great way to increase endorphin hormones in the body – the ones that increase your feeling of overall well-being. Exercise is not strictly relegated to the gym, you can do it indoors, or out, at home, or in the mall. Partnering up with a friend will help you have an accountability to each other, as well as have a cheerleader when the times get hard. Black Girls Run is a national running team that encourages you to get off the couch and get going, and if you’ve never run a race before, but you’ve always wanted to, they have a Walk Before You Run (WALKB4URUN) program.  That way, you can train properly for the run with other women, at your own speed (pun intended!). You could also get a great playlist of music to get you moving, this way you can sneak some fun into your exercise, and really have a great time.

Make sure that you put yourself on the TOP of your priority list this year!

Make sure that you put yourself on the TOP of your priority list this year!

Aromatherapy – is a great way to help improve your emotional balance and a sense of well being. Think it doesn’t work? If you go to Bath & Body Works, or use scented soaps, bodywashes, or anything that has a scent, you are using aromatherapy, to an extent. My earliest remembrance of aromatherapy is my Mom doing my hair, as a child. She used Blue Magic hair conditioner with Bergamot when she did our hair every week. Different scents require different means of use. Aura Cacia is a great resource on how to properly use essential oils and scents.

Lets make 2014 the best year ever!

Be Your Own Cheerleader

When things don’t go your way, disappointment does happen. When things don’t go your way for a LONG time, depression and stress can set in. As much as you’d like to have others cheer you up, sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader.

Instead of focusing on the failure, focus on what you have learned instead. The more likely you learn the lesson, you are less likely to repeat the outcome.

Are you standing in your own way?  Self-doubt and negative thinking can help you create your own obstacles.  As soon as you recognize your thoughts going negative, catch yourself. Never get into the habit of rooting against yourself! 64 year-old Diana Nyad finally made her goal of swimming from Cuba to Florida – that’s 103 miles in jellyfish and shark infested water. She started at 28 years of age; It took her FIVE times to do it, and she never gave up!


Are you trying to please other people, or listening/ worrying what other people are thinking? Everyone has haters, they’re there to let you know you are headed in the right direction.  Listen to your inner cheerleader – at your center, your own soul is rooting for you to succeed!

You have your own cheering section. Don't root against yourself!

You have your own cheering section. Don’t root against yourself!

Also, quit comparing yourself to anyone. This race you are running, your competitor is yourself and time. You have the same amount of time as everyone else; how you use it makes the difference. (This is a reminder to myself as well.)

I hope that these help you change the way your see your situation, and begin to cheer yourself on!